Friday, March 16, 2012

Giveaway #1- WINNER !

And the winner is...........[I couldn't upload a drumroll sound bite]..............lucky #8!

She must've been sending out those new-apartment-bare-wall-vibes! 
Congrats Farah, enjoy little turtle!

I'm glad this was such a successful event! Thank you so much to everyone who participated, new fans of my page and all the very nice comments. I'll definitely be doing more of these often. So if you didn't win this time, don't fret, stay tuned for the next one!

This little guy was quite popular. So, I decided that prints will be available to those who entered for just $5 if you order by the end of this month*. Get 'em while they last!

($10 plus shipping for everyone else and after March)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Giveaway time!

I've been wanting to do a giveaway for a long time, but haven't had much time to put any thought into it, or whip up a piece to raffle off. 

But here we go, my mistake is your free art!

Box Turtle, original pen & ink stipple illustration, 3" x 4.25", sepia ink, light sepia watercolor wash.
It will also be signed, and matted to fit a 4x6 frame.

In my haste, being a bad little researcher, I started a piece for my current book (Journey of the Sea Glass) using the wrong reference! Gah!  I had been looking at a particular photo of a turtle, (which I had originally saved just for the angle) but I forgot to morph it into a SEA turtle, and instead stippled this lovely little BOX turtle. So, needless to say, this isn't going into the book. But I think he's pretty darn cute, and thought that maybe someone else might enjoy having him.

So, here's the deal. If you like this turtle, and you would like to own this original as my gift to you for supporting my work (and because I don't need a reminder of what a silly mistake that was), it's pretty darn easy.  Here's how you'll be in the mix:

1. "Like" my Facebook page and/or "follow" this blog. 
Already are? Bravo, you're halfway done.

2. Leave a comment either on this blog post, or on the corresponding Facebook post on my page 
and/or "like" the image on the Facebook post.

3.  Enter all week, and I'll post the winner on my blog and on my Facebook page on March 16th. I'll also shoot you a private email or message, as well. I'll get in touch with you privately for your mailing address.

* AND if you get a friend to Like my Facebook page, or follow the blog, your name will be thrown in twice!

Easy enough, yes?


The fine print: I'll use a random number generator (like so there's no cheatery.