Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Flowers for Susie

This was a Christmas gift, a watercolor painting for my boyfriend's mother, Susie. Woven into her name are her favorite flowers, including a field of Lupines below. This photo isn't 100% for color, but pretty close. Definitely one of my favorite custom name/initial paintings so far. It was a hit!


Keep these in mind for commissioned gifts! ; )

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Sketch; copyright Nicole Fazio Illustration for use of Wells Reserve only.


When did this happen? Holidays are over, it's a new year! Haven't posted in a while, you know how things go this time of year. Hope to post more often in the next couple of months. Finishing up a project for the Wells Reserve, so I'll have lots of new illustrations to share from those booklets...like this one:

copyright Nicole Fazio Illustration for use of Wells Reserve only.

And this guy...

copyright Nicole Fazio Illustration for use of Wells Reserve only.