Friday, July 30, 2010

Little Friends!

I was in the Wells area the other day, so I decided to stop by the Wells Reserve at Laudholm Farms, a recent client of mine. I illustrated a three part children's educational workbook series for the Reserve, that leads kids on nature trails to learn about the animals, the environment, weather, habitats, all kinds of fun stuff. As part of the program, each trail/booklet has an animal "mascot" to lead the way. Trails are marked with the mascot image to correspond with the appropriate workbook for each trail. Here are my illustrated characters on a couple of the paths!

unofficially named "Doug" the Mummichog!

and "Penny" the Porcupine!

There's also a turkey hiding somewhere, but it was about 92° that afternoon and I had to end my search for him early, because I wasn't prepared for a 45 minute walk along the trail! I've got the mosquito bites to prove it...!

All images copyright Nicole Fazio 2009

"Ginny, Too"

This painted lettering done on a wood board was a commission for an elderly man, who mounted this in his sailboat in honor of his wife (fiance´ at the start of project), who is fighting cancer. It was a lovely project and I was quite honored to be able to lend my arts to such a touching love story and sweet person.

Wave embellishment detail

Friday, July 9, 2010

Another "My Maine" Page

"The rocky coastline, nothing beats it!
Kayaking and puffin watches are a guaranteed hit."

We all know how much I love puffins and how much I love painting puffins, so this one is clearly one of my favorites from the book! As my possible favorite, I definitely wanted to share it with you all.

Also, note a cameo by the Lucky to support my favorite local businesses!

 + Detail of the tiny work

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Book paintings!

These are a couple of illustrations from the book that I'm wrapping up right now! My first book My Maine will be published and available for purchase this November, be sure to check it out and buy a copy!

Above: "...And for shooting stars streaking across summer skies."

Above: "Our rainy days are surprisingly fine, 
Filled with card games, puzzles, and family time."