Friday, December 31, 2010


I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Beckett B. Michaud (who longingly, patiently, stared at the back of my head from the easel while I worked on My Maine and Downeast in the Ocean, begging to be finished)! He was a commissioned piece for a lovely friend and was then given as a Christmas gift. This was my first pet portrait and hopefully the first of many. Working out of my element in terms of scale and medium was a fun change of pace. It was rewarding to get to unveil it to the client myself and receive such a genuinely happy response. It was a nice treat.

If you are interested in a portrait commission, please contact me for more information

"Beckett" Oil on canvas. Approximately 24" x 26" 
*Yellows look a bit over saturated here, will try to update with a better image soon.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Advanced copy of My Maine!

The first copy of my first book arrived!! 

...And I think my own expression probably matched the book's cover image pretty close when I got this! I'm so excited to have an advanced copy of My Maine, what a huge sigh of relief getting to actually hold it in my hands! I'm very happy with the way it turned out and so proud to have a book out there with my name on it. 

We're expecting the rest to be in around December 15th (-ish). The book launch will take place in February 2011 during school vacation week sometime, more details will be posted as I gather them. So until Feb., if you'd like to purchase a copy (which I'm sure you do!) please contact me directly--just in time for the holidays everybody!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Downeast sketches--sneak peek!

above: Mother jelly and her five jellyfish floating

Currently working hard at my next children's book, called Downeast in the Ocean being published by Downeast Publishing (wohoo!). This round of sketches is just about approved, so far so good, just waiting for the final okay to get them all polished up and move onward to the final illustrations. The final artwork will be done with colored ink in pointallism...oh yes. The whole thang. Dots, dots, dots!

above: Mother gull and her nine little seagulls laughing

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lobster Trap

This was a quick digital illustration done in Illustrator as an option for the Little beach Books logo design. It didn't end up being the one the client chose, but I thought I'd share a little digital art...which is not my normal medium, so I was pretty proud of how it came out!

Image copyright © Nicole Fazio 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

Little Friends!

I was in the Wells area the other day, so I decided to stop by the Wells Reserve at Laudholm Farms, a recent client of mine. I illustrated a three part children's educational workbook series for the Reserve, that leads kids on nature trails to learn about the animals, the environment, weather, habitats, all kinds of fun stuff. As part of the program, each trail/booklet has an animal "mascot" to lead the way. Trails are marked with the mascot image to correspond with the appropriate workbook for each trail. Here are my illustrated characters on a couple of the paths!

unofficially named "Doug" the Mummichog!

and "Penny" the Porcupine!

There's also a turkey hiding somewhere, but it was about 92° that afternoon and I had to end my search for him early, because I wasn't prepared for a 45 minute walk along the trail! I've got the mosquito bites to prove it...!

All images copyright Nicole Fazio 2009

"Ginny, Too"

This painted lettering done on a wood board was a commission for an elderly man, who mounted this in his sailboat in honor of his wife (fiance´ at the start of project), who is fighting cancer. It was a lovely project and I was quite honored to be able to lend my arts to such a touching love story and sweet person.

Wave embellishment detail

Friday, July 9, 2010

Another "My Maine" Page

"The rocky coastline, nothing beats it!
Kayaking and puffin watches are a guaranteed hit."

We all know how much I love puffins and how much I love painting puffins, so this one is clearly one of my favorites from the book! As my possible favorite, I definitely wanted to share it with you all.

Also, note a cameo by the Lucky to support my favorite local businesses!

 + Detail of the tiny work

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Book paintings!

These are a couple of illustrations from the book that I'm wrapping up right now! My first book My Maine will be published and available for purchase this November, be sure to check it out and buy a copy!

Above: "...And for shooting stars streaking across summer skies."

Above: "Our rainy days are surprisingly fine, 
Filled with card games, puzzles, and family time."

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Downeast in the Ocean" cover!

Hello! I haven't had a moment to post anything lately, as I've been super busy wrapping up my first book, My Maine, and working on the cover illustration of my next book, Downeast in the Ocean! It's been a crazy month or two to say the least, but all in the best possible way, so I really can't complain.

Here is the cover for Downeast in the Ocean, a counting book that will be out early next year!

Background done in watercolor with pen & ink, seals stippled in pen & ink

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Good on the Go

If you're at the Children's Museum of Maine, look for the new "Good on the Go" snack machine! The children's museum has installed one of these healthy snacks/drinks vending machines from Life's Healthy Pleasures...which I designed and created the branding for last year! :) I'm thrilled to see that the company is doing well, and that the children's museum is introducing it (and promoting healthy eating) to the little kiddos visiting Portland.

New Book!

Haven't had a chance to add any recent posts, been busy working on the final paintings for my first children's book, My Maine. Will try to post a sneak peek soon!

In the meantime, I received a call from an editor at DownEast Publishing and have signed on to illustrate my second book! It'll be called Downeast in the Ocean, a counting book 1-10 featuring all kinds of fun creatures who live in the ocean. I'm so excited to get started I think it'll be a great book. Plus working with DownEast is a pretty amazing opportunity.

Stay tuned for more news!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Flowers for Susie

This was a Christmas gift, a watercolor painting for my boyfriend's mother, Susie. Woven into her name are her favorite flowers, including a field of Lupines below. This photo isn't 100% for color, but pretty close. Definitely one of my favorite custom name/initial paintings so far. It was a hit!


Keep these in mind for commissioned gifts! ; )

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Sketch; copyright Nicole Fazio Illustration for use of Wells Reserve only.


When did this happen? Holidays are over, it's a new year! Haven't posted in a while, you know how things go this time of year. Hope to post more often in the next couple of months. Finishing up a project for the Wells Reserve, so I'll have lots of new illustrations to share from those this one:

copyright Nicole Fazio Illustration for use of Wells Reserve only.

And this guy...

copyright Nicole Fazio Illustration for use of Wells Reserve only.